Thursday, June 9, 2011

Diablo III Thursday(NEW!)


One of the features that is returning from Diablo 2 to Diablo 3 is the followers you can recruit. They seem to be fully customizable and have different classes to pick from.
  • Enchantress
  • Scoundrel
  • Templar
Demon Hunter Class

I know the announcement of this class is about half a year old but it is probably what il end up playing when the game is released. you cant tell me that demon hunters wont be awesome after watching the trailer!


Beta is supposed to begin this summer / fall so make sure to log into and sign up for it!

The 3rd quarter reference in the earnings call today was a calendar quarter, meaning that we're aiming to launch the Diablo III beta between July 1st and September 30th. Keep in mind that it's our current goal, and of course that can change as development continues.


  1. Looks nice, i think i'll be getting this

  2. Never played Diablo before but have heard great things. 3 sounds pretty exciting, im gonna look into getting it!

  3. Hah, Took them long enough for the 3rd one to come out. Its going to be sweet though :)

  4. dang, i'd love a beta key, did they give them out at blizzcon?

  5. Diablo 3 is going to be amazing O_O

  6. sweet cant wait for this one

  7. oh shit this took sooo long. I used to love playing Diablo 2. It looks like the changed the gameplay a fair deal though... more comicy :/

  8. I could never get into the first one, haven't tried the second but I've heard many good things about it, so I'm somewhat looking forward to the third one and hopefully enjoy that.

  9. Loved Diablo 1 and 2, can not wait for 3!

  10. Indeed,I'm about to have a nerdgasm.

  11. Well, watching that vid, it's pretty unrealistic, she kills so many monsters with her multi-shot, then she takes a good minute or two to kill the final one.

  12. CAN'T actually wait! It's going to be a toss up between Diablo III and Guildwars 2 for me. I don't know what I'm going to do!!

  13. Oh man, I hope this comes earlier than later!

    Check out my blog too :D

  14. Been waiting for this game for so long!

  15. I've never played Diablo before, but I've heard about years and years. I hope Diablo 3 is good because it'll be my first Diablo game.

  16. Oh boy, oh boy! Can't wait anymore!
