Tuesday, June 14, 2011

mc Chris

Im not a big fan of rap but there are some artist i can listen to especially when they rap about stuff that is part of who i am. I and many others that were born in the late 80's grew up with mc chris on our tv when we were in jr high even if you didnt know it! mc chris voice acted and helped produce many of the original shows back when Adult swim started. many favorites like..

Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Sealab 2021

he has been in a few other cartoons on adult swim but these are the main ones that come to mind when you think of mc chris. The mc is also a very charity driven person always selling neat nerdy things to raise money for cystic fibrosis. currently he has turned his attention to appeasing a dream he has of having an mc chris cartoon, and if anyone deserves it he does! he has almost reached his first goal of 55,000 dollars for the first part of the cartoon. If you are at all interested in helping the mc out you can Click Here check his website out and lend him some support! to end this post im gonig to post some of music, enjoy! =)
Fetts vet 

Hoodie Ninja



  1. Holy crap this post had a lot of information in it, I had to read it three times.

  2. I'm such a nerd for this stuff!
    Come check out my page, :)
    we have similar interests!

  3. I liked his voice even though I dont listen rap or hip hop.

  4. oooo the second video from the bottom is awesome !

  5. Haha all those vids were awesome!

  6. My favorite MC Chris song is Nerd Grrrl.

  7. hah only have time to watch a couple but enjoyed the first two vids you posted, will probs check the rest out later!

  8. Hahahah sea lab, now THAT brings back some memories.

  9. HAvent listened to mc chris in a VERY long time, thanks for the reminder :)

  10. Wow a lot of videos, sorry to say I can't listen to them all =z

    Nice post, keep up the great music

  11. I love that ATHF movie. MC Chris is hilarious, didn't realize he was such a good guy too.

  12. LoL

    It makes me remember of the DJ Crissy Chris from Evebody Hates chris


  13. Never got around to watching ATHF the movie. Thx for eminding me.

  14. i love mc chris. he's my bro.

  15. I love MC Chris, been listening to him for a couple of years. Love his stuff. Nice to know there are other fans besides me and my friends.
